Sunday, July 6, 2008

Fourth of July 2008

We spent our Fourth of July weekend on Lake George in Rhinelander, WI. We were able to share a cabin with some friends from Kiel, WI (James, Nicole and their two-month-old 'baby Logan'). We arrived at Lake George on Wednesday night ready to enjoy our weekend. We had a great time...we were able to do some fishing, took a boat ride around the lake, saw three parades in two days, we relaxed and had a few cocktails. We also threw in a few games of Sequence along the way.

Natalie caught her first fish on Thursday...and she has quite the fish tale to tell. Her fish was "this big" and her arms stretch as far as they will go. Don't tell her I told you this, but she was afraid to touch it (she says she touched it but that would not be the truth).

Maddux also had a great time with their dogs, Sadie (Golden Lab) and Buddy. Maddux was lucky enough to enjoy the water (he only fell in once).

We came home on Saturday with lots of memories, lots of laundry and Natalie has lots of bug bites (she looks like a connect the dots picture).

Here are a few pictures from our weekend...we hope everyone had a fun and safe holiday.

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